Figure 32-4. Synchronous Mode XCK Timing
RxD / TxD
RxD / TxD
When the clock is provided through XCK (CTRLA.MODE=0x0), the shift registers operate directly on the
XCK clock. This means that XCK is not synchronized with the system clock and, therefore, can operate at
frequencies up to the system frequency. Data Register
The USART Transmit Data register (TxDATA) and USART Receive Data register (RxDATA) share the
same I/O address, referred to as the Data register (DATA). Writing the DATA register will update the
TxDATA register. Reading the DATA register will return the contents of the RxDATA register. Data Transmission
Data transmission is initiated by writing the data to be sent into the DATA register. Then, the data in
TxDATA will be moved to the shift register when the shift register is empty and ready to send a new
frame. After the shift register is loaded with data, the data frame will be transmitted.
When the entire data frame including stop bit(s) has been transmitted and no new data was written to
DATA, the Transmit Complete interrupt flag in the Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (INTFLAG.TXC)
will be set, and the optional interrupt will be generated.
The Data Register Empty flag in the Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (INTFLAG.DRE) indicates
that the register is empty and ready for new data. The DATA register should only be written to when
Disabling the Transmitter
The transmitter is disabled by writing '0' to the Transmitter Enable bit in the CTRLB register
Disabling the transmitter will complete only after any ongoing and pending transmissions are completed,
i.e., there is no data in the transmit shift register and TxDATA to transmit. Data Reception
The receiver accepts data when a valid start bit is detected. Each bit following the start bit will be sampled
according to the baud rate or XCK clock, and shifted into the receive shift register until the first stop bit of
a frame is received. The second stop bit will be ignored by the receiver.
When the first stop bit is received and a complete serial frame is present in the receive shift register, the
contents of the shift register will be moved into the two-level receive buffer. Then, the Receive Complete
interrupt flag in the Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (INTFLAG.RXC) will be set, and the optional
interrupt will be generated.
The received data can be read from the DATA register when the Receive Complete interrupt flag is set.
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016