36.5.7. Debug Operation
When the CPU is halted in debug mode, this peripheral will halt normal operation. This peripheral can be
forced to continue operation during debugging - refer to the Debug Control (DBGCTRL) register for
36.5.8. Register Access Protection
Registers with write-access can be optionally write-protected by the Peripheral Access Controller (PAC),
except the following:
Interrupt Flag register (INTFLAG)
Status register (STATUS)
Period and Period Buffer registers (PER, PERBUF)
Compare/Capture and Compare/Capture Buffer registers (CCx, CCBUFx)
Control Waveform register (WAVE)
Pattern Generation Value and Pattern Generation Value Buffer registers (PATT, PATTBUF)
Optional write-protection is indicated by the "PAC Write-Protection" property in the register
When the CPU is halted in debug mode, all write-protection is automatically disabled. Write-protection
does not apply for accesses through an external debugger.
36.5.9. Analog Connections
Not applicable.
36.6. Functional Description
36.6.1. Principle of Operation
The following definitions are used throughout the documentation:
Table 36-1. Timer/Counter for Control Applications - Definitions
The counter reaches TOP when it becomes equal to the highest value in
the count sequence. The TOP value can be the same as Period (PER)
or the Compare Channel 0 (CC0) register value depending on the
waveform generator mode in
Waveform Output Generation Operations
The counter reaches ZERO when it contains all zeroes.
The counter reaches maximum when it contains all ones.
The timer/counter signals an update when it reaches ZERO or TOP,
depending on the direction settings.
The timer/counter clock control is handled by an internal source.
The clock control is handled externally (e.g. counting external events).
For compare operations, the CC are referred to as "compare channels."
For capture operations, the CC are referred to as "capture channels."
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016