Figure 40-10. TCC Input Selection
Serial Communication Output Transmit Inputs (SERCOM)
The serial engine transmitter output from Serial Communication Interface (SERCOM TX, TXd for USART,
MOSI for SPI) can be used as input source for the LUT. The figure below shows an example for LUT0
and LUT1. The SERCOM selection for each LUT follows the formula:
IN � � = ������[� % SERCOM_Instance_Number
representing the LUT number and
=0,1,2 representing the LUT input index.
Before selecting the SERCOM as input source, the SERCOM must be configured first: the SERCOM TX
signal must be output on SERCOMn/pad[0], which serves as input pad to the CCL.
Figure 40-11. SERCOM Input Selection
Related Links
I/O Multiplexing and Considerations
on page 27
on page 538
GCLK - Generic Clock Controller
on page 121
on page 1030
on page 743
TCC – Timer/Counter for Control Applications
on page 795
SERCOM – Serial Communication Interface Filter
By default, the LUT output is a combinatorial function of the LUT inputs. This may cause some short
glitches when the inputs change value. These glitches can be removed by clocking through filters, if
demanded by application needs.
The Filter Selection bits in LUT Control register (LUTCTRLx.FILTSEL) define the synchronizer or digital
filter options. When a filter is enabled, the OUT output will be delayed by two to five GCLK cycles. One
APB clock after the corresponding LUT is disabled, all internal filter logic is cleared.
Events used as LUT input will also be filtered, if the filter is enabled.
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016