and 16x sample rate (CTRLA.SAMPR[0]=0).
During transmission, each low bit is transmitted as a high pulse. The pulse width is 3/16 of the baud rate
period, as illustrated in the figure below.
Figure 32-10. IrDA Transmit Encoding
IrDA encoded TXD
1 baud clock
3/16 baud clock
The reception decoder has two main functions.
The first is to synchronize the incoming data to the IrDA baud rate counter. Synchronization is performed
at the start of each zero pulse.
The second main function is to decode incoming Rx data. If a pulse width meets the minimum length set
by configuration (RXPL.RXPL), it is accepted. When the baud rate counter reaches its middle value (1/2
bit length), it is transferred to the receiver.
Note that the polarity of the transmitter and receiver are opposite: During transmission, a '0' bit is
transmitted as a '1' pulse. During reception, an accepted '0' pulse is received as a '0' bit.
The figure below illustrates reception where RXPL.RXPL is set to 19. This
indicates that the pulse width should be at least 20 SE clock cycles. When using
BAUD=0xE666 or 160 SE cycles per bit, this corresponds to 2/16 baud clock as minimum
pulse width required. In this case the first bit is accepted as a '0', the second bit is a '1',
and the third bit is also a '1'. A low pulse is rejected since it does not meet the minimum
requirement of 2/16 baud clock.
Figure 32-11. IrDA Receive Decoding
IrDA encoded RXD
Baud clock
20 SE clock cycles
2.5 Break Character Detection and Auto-Baud
Break character detection and auto-baud are available in this configuration:
Auto-baud frame format (CTRLA.FORM = 0x04 or 0x05),
Asynchronous mode (CTRLA.CMODE = 0),
and 16x sample rate using fractional baud rate generation (CTRLA.SAMPR = 1).
The auto-baud follows the LIN format. All LIN Frames start with a Break Field followed by a Sync Field.
The USART uses a break detection threshold of greater than 11 nominal bit times at the configured baud
rate. At any time, if more than 11 consecutive dominant bits are detected on the bus, the USART detects
a Break Field. When a Break Field has been detected, the Receive Break interrupt flag
(INTFLAG.RXBRK) is set and the USART expects the Sync Field character to be 0x55. This field is used
to update the actual baud rate in order to stay synchronized. If the received Sync character is not 0x55,
then the Inconsistent Sync Field error flag (STATUS.ISF) is set along with the Error interrupt flag
(INTFLAG.ERROR), and the baud rate is unchanged.
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016