Management of IN Transactions
When an IN token is detected, and if the device address of the token packet does not match
DADD.DADD, the packet is discarded and the USB module returns to idle and waits for the next token
When the address matches, the USB module checks if the endpoint received is enabled in the EPCFG of
the addressed endpoint and if not, the packet is discarded and the USB module returns to idle and waits
for the next token packet.
When the endpoint is enabled, the USB module then checks on the EPCFG of the addressed input
endpoint. If the EPCFG.EPTYPE1 is not set to IN, the USB module returns to idle and waits for the next
token packet.
If EPSTATUS.STALLRQ1 in EPSTATUS is set, and the endpoint is not isochronous, a STALL handshake
is returned to the host and EPINTFLAG.STALL1 is set.
If EPSTATUS.BK1RDY is cleared, the flag EPINTFLAG.TRFAIL1 is set. If the endpoint is not
isochronous, a NAK handshake is returned to the host.
The USB module then fetches the Data Buffer Address (ADDR) from the addressed endpoint's descriptor.
The data pointed to by the Data Buffer Address (ADDR) is sent to the host in a DATA0 packet if the
endpoint is isochronous. For non-isochronous endpoints a DATA0 or DATA1 packet is sent depending on
the state of EPSTATUS.DTGLIN. When the number of data bytes specified in endpoint
PCKSIZE.BYTE_COUNT is sent, the CRC is appended and sent to the host.
For isochronous endpoints, EPSTATUS.BK1RDY is cleared and EPINTFLAG.TRCPT1 is set.
For all non-isochronous endpoints the USB module waits for an ACK handshake from the host. If an ACK
handshake is not received within 16 bit times, the USB module returns to idle and waits for the next token
packet. If an ACK handshake is successfully received EPSTATUS.BK1RDY is cleared,
EPINTFLAG.TRCPT1 is set and EPSTATUS.DTGLIN is toggled. Multi-Packet Transfers for IN Endpoint
The total number of data bytes to be sent is written to PCKSIZE.BYTE_COUNT as for normal operation.
The Multi-packet size register (PCKSIZE.MULTI_PACKET_SIZE) is used to store the number of bytes
that are sent, and must be written to zero when setting up a new transfer.
When an IN token is received, PCKSIZE.BYTE_COUNT and PCKSIZE.MULTI_PACKET_SIZE are
fetched. If PCKSIZE.BYTE_COUNT minus PCKSIZE.MULTI_PACKET_SIZE is less than the endpoint
PCKSIZE.SIZE, endpoint BYTE_COUNT minus endpoint PCKSIZE.MULTI_PACKET_SIZE bytes are
transmitted, otherwise PCKSIZE.SIZE number of bytes are transmitted. If endpoint
PCKSIZE.BYTE_COUNT is a multiple of PCKSIZE.SIZE, the last packet sent will be zero-length if the
AUTOZLP bit is set.
If a maximum payload size packet was sent (i.e. not the last transaction), MULTI_PACKET_SIZE will be
incremented by the PCKSIZE.SIZE. If the endpoint is not isochronous the EPSTATUS.DTLGIN bit will be
toggled when the transaction has completed. If a short packet was sent (i.e. the last transaction),
MULTI_PACKET_SIZE is incremented by the data payload. EPSTATUS.BK0/1RDY will be cleared and
EPINTFLAG.TRCPT0/1 will be set. Ping-Pong Operation
When an endpoint is configured for ping-pong operation, it uses both the input and output data buffers
(banks) for a given endpoint in a single direction. The direction is selected by enabling one of the IN or
OUT direction in EPCFG.EPTYPE0/1 and configuring the opposite direction in EPCFG.EPTYPE1/0 as
Dual Bank.
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016