22.5.3. Clocks
The OSC32KCTRL gathers controls for all 32KHz oscillators and provides clock sources to the Generic
Clock Controller (GCLK), Real-Time Counter (RTC), Segment Liquid Crystal Controller (SLCD) and
Watchdog Timer (WDT).
The available clock sources are: XOSC32K and OSCULP32K.
The OSC32KCTRL bus clock (CLK_OSC32KCTRL_APB) can be enabled and disabled in the Main Clock
module (MCLK).
Related Links
on page 145
22.5.4. Interrupts
The interrupt request lines are connected to the interrupt controller. Using the OSC32KCTRL interrupts
requires the interrupt controller to be configured first.
Related Links
Nested Vector Interrupt Controller
on page 44
22.5.5. Events
The events of this peripheral are connected to the Event System.
Related Links
22.5.6. Debug Operation
When the CPU is halted in debug mode, OSC32KCTRL will continue normal operation. If OSC32KCTRL
is configured in a way that requires it to be periodically serviced by the CPU through interrupts or similar,
improper operation or data loss may result during debugging.
22.5.7. Register Access Protection
All registers with write-access can be write-protected optionally by the Peripheral Access Controller
(PAC), except the following registers:
Interrupt Flag Status and Clear (INTFLAG) register
Optional write-protection by the Peripheral Access Controller (PAC) is denoted by the "PAC Write-
Protection" property in each individual register description.
PAC write-protection does not apply to accesses through an external debugger.
Related Links
PAC - Peripheral Access Controller
on page 50
22.5.8. Analog Connections
The external 32.768kHz crystal must be connected between the XIN32 and XOUT32 pins, along with any
required load capacitors. For details on recommended oscillator characteristics and capacitor load, refer
to the related links.
Related Links
on page 1147
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016