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on page 141
on page 145
21.5.4. DMA
Not applicable.
21.5.5. Interrupts
The interrupt request line is connected to the Interrupt Controller. Using the OSCCTRL interrupts requires
the interrupt controller to be configured first.
Related Links
Nested Vector Interrupt Controller
on page 44
21.5.6. Events
The events of this peripheral are connected to the Event System.
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21.5.7. Debug Operation
When the CPU is halted in debug mode the OSCCTRL continues normal operation. If the OSCCTRL is
configured in a way that requires it to be periodically serviced by the CPU through interrupts or similar,
improper operation or data loss may result during debugging.
21.5.8. Register Access Protection
All registers with write-access can be write-protected optionally by the Peripheral Access Controller
(PAC), except the following registers:
Interrupt Flag Status and Clear register (INTFLAG)
Optional write-protection is indicated by the "PAC Write-Protection" property in the register
When the CPU is halted in debug mode, all write-protection is automatically disabled. Write-protection
does not apply for accesses through an external debugger.
21.5.9. Analog Connections
The 0.4-32MHz crystal must be connected between the XIN and XOUT pins, along with any required load
21.6. Functional Description
21.6.1. Principle of Operation
XOSC, OSC16M, DFLL48M, and FDPLL96M are configured via OSCCTRL control registers. Through
this interface, the sub-peripherals are enabled, disabled, or have their calibration values updated.
The Status register gathers different status signals coming from the sub-peripherals controlled by the
OSCCTRL. The status signals can be used to generate system interrupts, and in some cases wake up
the system from standby mode, provided the corresponding interrupt is enabled.
21.6.2. External Multipurpose Crystal Oscillator (XOSC) Operation
The XOSC can operate in two different modes:
Atmel SAM L22G / L22J / L22N [DATASHEET]
Atmel-42402E-SAM L22G / L22J / L22N_Datasheet_Complete-07/2016