Interconnecting Shelves
Installation and Commissioning Manual
7 R
.1 8000
, ©
ADVA AG Optical Netw
Step 2
Attach a wrist strap to your wrist and fasten the earthing cable onto
the ESD grounding point on the shelf (if available) or to a bare metal
surface onto the rack.
Step 3
If the shelves are close to one another as shown in
, use the supplied Ethernet cabel.
If the shelves are not close to one another, use your own Ethernet
cabel of the proper length.
Step 4
Take the appropriate Ethernet cable and carefully connect one end of
the cable to the uplink port of the SCU-S in the master shelf, ensuring
the RJ45 plug clicks into place. Pay attention to the corresponding
port LEDs.
Step 5
Where necessary, route this cable along the vertical cable brackets
mounted on the left-hand side of the rack down toward the SCU-S in
the main shelf.
Figure 83:
Example of Connecting an Ethernet Cable
Step 6
Carefully connect the other end of the cable to the downlink port of the
SCU-S in the main shelf as shown in
. Ensure the the RJ45 plug also clicks into place.
Pay attention to the corresponding port LEDs.
Step 7
If a protected link is required, take the other Ethernet cable and care-
fully connect one end of this cable to the downlink port of the SCU-S
in the master shelf, ensuring the RJ45 plug clicks into place. Pay
attention to the corresponding port LEDs.
Step 8
Step 9
Carefully connect the other end of this cable to the uplink port of the
SCU-S in the main shelf as shown in
the RJ45 plug also clicks into place. Pay attention to the correspond-
ing port LEDs.
Master shelf
Master shelf