Installation and Commissioning Manual
7 R
.1 8000
, ©
ADVA AG Optical Netw
Chapter 5
Installing Shelves
This chapter provides information on prerequisites and preparatory works. It
tells you how to mount shelves into the rack and how to make power connec-
This chapter contains the following sections:
, which provides general information for the effective installation of
the FSP 3000R7 system hardware.
, which tells you who this document is intended for.
, which lists the documents required for a successful
installation of the FSP 3000R7 system.
Installing the SH9HU, SH7HU, SH7HU-R and 1HU Equipment Shelves
, which
describes fitting a shelf with adaptor brackets and how to mount shelves into a
rack or cabinet. This section gives detailed descriptions of how to prepare the
earthing conductors and how to connect the shelves to the rack’s earth point. In
addition, it provides detailed procedures for connecting AC and DC power to the
shelves. Testing the earthing and DC power connections is described as well.
, which describes mounting the front cover and fit-
ting the shelf with 19-inch, NEBS or ETSI adaptor brackets. It is also described
how the fiber finger set is fitted together with an ETSI or NEBS bracket to the
shelf and how the shelf is mounted to a rack or cabinet.
Rack-Mounting the 1HU Passive Shelf
, which describes fitting the shelf with
19-inch, NEBS or ETSI adaptor brackets. It is also described how the shelf is
mounted to a rack or cabinet.
Rack-Mounting the DCF1HU-P Shelf
, which describes fitting the DCF Shelf with
19-inch, NEBS or ETSI adaptor brackets. It is also described how the shelf is
mounted to a rack or cabinet.
Rack-Mounting the SH1HU/FIBERMANAGEMENT and the FMT/1HU Shelf
which describes fitting the Fiber Management Shelf with 19-inch or NEBS
brackets. It is also described how the shelf is mounted to a rack or cabinet and
how the fiber optic cables are installed into a fiber optical tray.
Installing the FSP 3000R7 ROADM-C40/40/OPM-3HU/2DC Shelf
, which
describes how to install the ROADM-C40/40/OPM-3HU/2DC Shelf into a stan-