IM 701830-01E
Display settings
Chapter 8.
Display format
page 8-1.
• In order to make the observation of waveforms of multiple channels easy, you can split the
screen to display the waveforms. The different ways to split the screen are as follows:
Single (no split screen), Dual (2 screens) , Triad (3 screens) , Quad (4 screens), Hexa (6
screens), Octal (8 screens).
• You can select how to assign the waveforms to the split screens from the following choices.
Auto : Assign the channels with the display turned ON in order from the top screen.
Fixed : Assign the channels in order from the top, regardless of whether or not the channel
display is turn ON.
User : Arbitrarily assign the channels to the split screens, regardless of whether or not the
channel display is turn ON.
page 8-4.
Use this feature to select use of grid, frame, or “cross” graticule.
Extra window
page 8-7.
This feature displays an “extra window” showing the various measurement values (cursor
values and automatically measured values). This feature is useful in cases where it is difficult to
read the values directly from the waveform.
Scale values and trigger mark
page 8-8.
If the Scale Value setting is ON, the screen displays numerical values at the top and bottom of
the vertical axis. If the Trigger Mark is ON, the screen displays a marker indicating the trigger
Waveform labels
page 8-9.
You can assign an arbitrary label (up to 8 characters) to each waveform.
Waveform label
Trigger mark
Scale values
Selects use of
3 waveform windows.
“Extra window” shows
values of cursor
1.4 Setting the Acquisition and Display Conditions