C//ZZ FFoollddeerr TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg
C/Z Folder Paper Jams
• The press stops running and a fault message displays on the press touch screen.
• The message includes a graphical illustration showing the location of the fault along with a brief
explanation of corrective actions for clearing the fault.
• Paper jams may occur in multiple areas of the press and any optional devices connected to the
press. When this happens, the graphical illustration changes to show the multiple locations and
the required corrective actions.
• Additionally, if a fault occurs with the C/Z Folder, an indicator lights on the PR Finisher control
panel and shows the corresponding area on the C/Z Folder where the fault occurred.
Always refer to the following information when clearing paper jams:
• Do not power off the press when removing paper jams.
• Paper jams can be removed with the press still powered on. When the power is turned off, all
information stored to the system memory is erased.
• Clear all paper jams before resuming print jobs.
• Do not touch components inside the press. This can cause print defects.
• Ensure that all paper jams, including any small ripped pieces of paper, are cleared before
proceeding with print jobs.
• Gently remove the paper taking care not to tear it. If paper is torn, be sure to remove all torn
• After removing paper jams, close all doors and covers. The press cannot print when doors or covers
are open.
• After clearing a paper jam, printing automatically resumes from the state before the paper jam
• If all paper jams are not cleared, an error message continues to display on the press touch screen.
To clear any remaining jams, refer to the press touch screen for instructions and information.