• If staple or punch finishing, use trays 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or T1 (Inserter).
Printing Tabs from the Print Server
1. From the print server, create and define the Tab stock for the paper tray you will be using.
2. Load the Tab stock in Trays 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or T1 (optional Inserter). Refer to the
3. From the print server window, access the
queue that contains your document. Select the
document you want to configure with tabs. Double-click to open the file properties.
4. Once all settings are made, select
The press prints the complete set of tabs with the body pages defined. Any extra tabs not used in
the job are sent to the output tray.
FFeeeeddiinngg D
Duuaall A
Addvvaanncceedd O
Ovveerrssiizzeedd H
Hiigghh C
Caappaacciittyy FFeeeeddeerr ((TTrraayyss 88 aanndd 99))
The Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder is an optional feeding device that can be added to the
system to extend the paper capacities by providing two additional trays. This optional feeding device
contains Trays 8 and 9.
These trays feed a variety of stock sizes, including standard, heavyweight, and large-sized stocks. Each
tray holds 2,000 sheets of coated and uncoated stock.
The following illustrations show the Trays 8 and 9 with and without the Tray 5 (Bypass).
Trays 8 and 9 without Tray 5
Trays 8 and 9 with Tray 5