Copy and scan jobs are applicable only if the press includes a scanner.
• To use the
feature, the orientation of documents must be short-edge feed (SEF).
• Select a tray that contains SEF media.
• There are three types of folds available: C-fold, Z-fold, and Z-fold Half-Sheet.
The C/Z Folder is available with all three Production Ready (PR) Finishers and the Crease and Two-
Sided Trimmer device.
C/Z Fold Types
A C-Fold has two folds, which create a three-panel output.
A Z-Fold has two folds that are folded in opposite directions, resulting in a type of fan fold.
Z-Fold Half Sheet (shown here with 3-hole punch)
As with a regular Z-Fold, the Z-Fold Half-Sheet has two folds that are folded in the opposite
directions. The difference between a regular Z-Fold and a Z-Fold Half Sheet is that the Z-Fold Half
Sheet is not folded in two equal folds. The two folds are unequal which allows one edge of the Z-
Fold Half Sheet to have a longer edge. The longer edge allows for stapling or hole punching.