Chapter 6 - Fuselage - Translations (includes
6.2 - Flap mounting bracket
Page 93
Flap Mounting Bracket
This is a good time to install the flap actuation arm and lever level selector joint
assembly (KS-26). Use the flap sector stamps to demarcate the vertical location for this
arm. With the control crossover mount installed on the mounting arms, circle the mount
to determine clear space for the flap sector. The recommended position is to mount this
arm to a 1/4-inch plywood spacer and center the top hole in the flap sector mounting arm
on the upper edge of the gusset (this hole is not used in mounting). The vertical centerline
for these two holes must be 1 inch to the left of the centerline to position the left surface
of the flap actuation assembly 1/4 inch from the inner wall of the tunnel section. Use the
bottom hole as a sketch and drill the bottom screw into the front gusset of the front seat
for initial assembly. With the arm mounted by this screw check the highest position for
the second screw and drill through both the arm and seat panel with clearance in diameter
for a #10-32 screw (size 13/64 or similar). Mount the arm with two #10-32 hex head
screws approximately 1 inch long AN3-7A or similar, nuts and washers required.
Select the sides of the flap
selector, and the arm mount and
position using the bracket you just
completed. Select the left side of the
temporarily mount it in place.
Using one side of the flap
selector as a tool sketch, locate and
mark the
place the bottom mounting hole through the side of the console about 4 1/2 inches past
the back surface of the gusset.
Check the resulting location of the flap selector rear mounting hole, and check for
free movement of the yoke assembly. If the rear top hole is securely located over the rigid
point and the yoke cross link bar is free to move all of its travel - drill a hole for a #10 32
screw through the side of the tunnel.