Chapter 4 - Horizontal empennage
4.1 - Assembly preparation
Page 32
Above can be seen all ribs and spars positioned as specified. Below we have the
detailing of the BL-5 L rib of the elevator.
Preparation of the trim tab hinge region
draw a distant line 4 inches from the trailing edge to the right of the centerline
between BL-0 and BL-30 inside the casing. Do the same for a distance of 2.25 inches and
3 1/8”. Where BL-29.5 meets the trailing edge, draw a line perpendicular to the trailing
edge with the aid of a square. Carefully remove the inner liner as well as the core in the
demarcated area. It is recommended that this same procedure be used to prepare the trim
tab area on the top cladding this time. Be particularly careful that the cuts are made in the
portion that matches the mounting of the other (bottom) liner of the elevator ( C104EB ).
from the panel prepreg 3/8” make two small spar sections, these will go in the trim
tab hinge cut area, judge the height required from the adjacent ribs, taking into account
that these spars will be glued to the bottom cladding where the foam was cut to the trim
hinge tab (see drawing below).