Chapter 5 - Fuselage
5.12 - Vertical and horizontal stabilizers
Page 71
Gluing the vertical stabilizer rib and spar
Cut the rib and spar of the vertical stabilizer from the supplied two-layer prepreg
panel, also cut the upper part of the frame. station 185 . Their drawings are pre-marked
on it. After cutting, test the fit of these pieces. The upper part of the cave of station 185 it
must have its front face aligned with station 185, the rib of the vertical stabilizer has its
lower face aligned with the top of the frame previously positioned, maintaining the
rib's horizontal alignment. The vertical stabilizer spar will be located with the rear
face to 1 5/8 inches in front of end edge of outrigger . If necessary, sand the surfaces to
obtain a better fit.
Prepare the surfaces of the parts and the right inner face of the vertical stabilizer for
gluing (clean and roughen). After satisfactory fitting of these pieces, dig the core of the
pieces where they will be glued on the horizontal stabilizer and on the vertical stabilizer
coating. prepare one FLOX paste and place where the core material was excavated. Use
this to make a small radius between the surfaces so it doesn’t stick in a straight corner.
Glue in place with a BID tape in two layers overlapping 1 inch on each surface. NOTE:
The rounding and gluing of the vertical empennage spar must be done only on the front
side of the surface, the outer side being worked later.