Chapter 3 -
3.6 - Fuel tank preparation
Page 12
Anti-slosh valve
The anti-slosh valve system is installed in the lower section of the second outer rib.
This rudimentary check valve will keep the internal tank relatively full during agitation
due to inclement weather or maneuvering. This valve is a flap configuration which is
attached to the second rib. Drill a 1 ½” hole centered 1 ¾” from the back edge of the rib
and 1 ¼” from the bottom edge of the rib. Take the tube with the anti slosh valve (see
figure) and sand it to make it rough where it will be glued. Moisten the hoving with resin
and 3 to 4 turns on each side of the rib to secure the valve in place. Keep this parallel to
the sides of the spar (horizontal and vertical) until it heals.
Fuel sensor
The first rib is the logical place for positioning the fuel level sensor device
installation. No system is provided in the kit. fuel level measurement , however the tubular
capacitive fuel metering sensor is one of the best known devices. For this type and/or
several other sensors, the most logical installation is next to the fuel outlet. The hole can
be drilled 5/8” from the top of the rib and 2 ½” from the trailing edge of the rib. Drill and
tap the tap to thread as needed for the equipment.
Also locate the path for the entire length of the sensor, mark any rib sections that
need to be penetrated, remove and modify these ribs. Any holes through these ribs that
will be exposed to the fuel liquid must have the core forced down at the corners and filled
with an MICRO folder . Carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for any bending
that needs to be performed to make the desired level measurement.