Chapter 5 - Fuselage
5.12 - Vertical and horizontal stabilizers
Page 67
to transfer the exact cutout location of these pieces. Carefully align the front edge of the
two halves of the tail with the rear edges of the upper fuselage molding and drill a few
holes (every 10 centimeters for a proper joint) to position small metal clecos or screws
(either near the upper or lower fuselage ) to secure and align these parts.
Also drill holes close to the dorsal fin and use a metal plate to hold the fixed parts
in place as shown in the figure below.
Check the horizontal empennage cut lines that are marked on the mold, and should
be visible on the tail parts. Check if the profile has a null incidence angle (can be done by
drawing the midline between the upper and lower lines), if not, trace the new lines, fixing
the leading edge and rotating the profile (copy the profile onto a sheet or similar material
to draw it. it corrected more easily) . If correct, just darken with a soft pencil or fine pen
(do not use oil or wax based markers in any area where the