Chapter 3 -
3.11 - Tank closing lamination
Page 17
all areas that will be wet with fuel and clean off any loose oils, greases or debris. It is
necessary to prepare the tank for the fuel, waterproofing the tank with resin suitable for
this. Mix this resin with hardener and laminate 2 layers of BID internally with the tank
resin leaving no gaps (non-waterproof parts) reinforcing and waterproofing the tank.
Take the laminated parts provided in the kit. These have resin for the tank, take care
that these faces with the resin are located inside the tank. Cut the piece so that the edges
overlap the sides of the spars and ribs with a maximum of ½”.
Prepare the surfaces for gluing (laminated part and faces of ribs and spars). Prepare
a wet MICRO paste with resin for waterproofing of the tank and pass over the edges of
the tank. Place the laminated part on the spot, being careful not to have bubbles or spaces
without the MICRO paste. Laminate with a BID tape of 2 layers of 1 ½” across the glued