Chapter 6 - Fuselage - Translations (includes
6.13 - Extras
Page 133
The control console cover is a molded set equipped with the kit. Clean the edges
and check adequate space for the control levers that protrude from this cover. Installation
is done simply by setting the cover in place, and the seats will sit on the flanges holding
it in place.
With an aircraft of the KIS speed potential, the wheel fairings become a very
valuable option, adding 5-10 mph to cruising speed at the same fuel burn. However, a
poorly installed set of fairings can quickly become a greater nuisance than a benefit.
Carefully trim and adjust the wheel fairing to the wheel, centering it to prevent
friction on any surface, and provide enough wheel protrusion below the fairing to suit the
type of landing surface where it will be in operation. The seeding must be rotated enough
so that, even with a flat tire and in a landing attitude, the fairing will not reach the surface.
Refer to the images and fabricate an aluminum plate support at least 0.080 thick as shown
to retain the inside of the wheel fairing. use the top two screws for shaft attachment, and
drill and tap the #10 - 32 gear leg for two additional screws, if desired for greater rigidity.
Secure to fiberglass wheel fairing with two #10-32 screws on each end. Check the location
and length of the authorization bolts for the wheel and tire. Nut plates can be added to
fiberglass part to facilitate assembly and disassembly
To get support for the outer side of the wheel fairing, drill and tap the end of the
axle above the centerline to avoid the cotter hole. A 1/4 inch threaded rod is suggested for
this support. Use one clamp nut to securely fasten it to the shaft, and another nut to space
the fairing shell. use one