Chapter 4 - Horizontal empennage
4.12 - Trim tab actuation servo
Page 42
Place the stabilizer in the corner of the bench or on the stabilizer itself and release
the elevator rotation. The elevator should rotate about 20 degrees under its own weight.
Place a lead cup where the lead will settle (near the finish foam of the counterweight tip)
until the elevator surface evens out.
Mix lead with resin (approximately 50 grams ) with a little MICRO. Pour the
mixture through the holes in the counterweight closing ribs. Tape the rib holes together.
Remove the elevator from the support location and position it vertically so that the swings
are down and the resin-impregnated lead cures in the forward part of the swing frame.
After the weight has healed into place, check the balance again. Elevator should be
slightly unbalanced to allow painting. If the imbalance is large, the excess weight can be
removed with a drill after painting. If the balance is light add lead, resin and MICRO.
Trim tab actuation servo
With the trim tab positioned by the hinges, draw a straight line in line with the horn
to the elevator hinge line. This line will be the center of the slot for the servo of