Chapter 6 - Fuselage - Translations (includes
6.13 - Extras
Page 120
ends extending from about 1/2 inch of an inch beyond the pillows. Select the door hinges
from the hardware provided, fitting the short duration of the hinge to the fuselage in the
pad area on the fuselage molding. Mount the hinges on the short sides, for molding the
fuselage, and on the long side up to the door. Temporary screws can be used at this time.
The molded recess in the top of the fuselage should hold the hinges in line, but make sure
the hinge pins are aligned in both planes such that the door does not latch in operation.
With the trimmed door assembly in place (use short sections of 1/4 inch plywood
or other material to provide clearance around the perimeter of the door for weather
stripping.), End swing of the door from both hinges to the recessed molding door. Use a
dry MICRO / FLOX mixture as a liquid shim to provide alignment from the hinge surface
to the surface of the door assembly. Lightly screw the hinges to the door recess, taking
care not to distort the components or extrude excessive MICRO / FLOX out of the
ordinary. The hinge points of the two hinges must be in line (co-axial) or there will be
bonding when the door is opened. When curing MICRO/FLOX, unbolt the hinges and
peel them off. MICRO/FLOX Clean mounting and re-assembly surfaces with counter end
sunken screws (#8-32 screws). Set the head aligned with the outer surface of the skin at
the ports. The use of removable screws on the door side of the hinge assemblies will allow
for a small adjustment margin when the holes are slightly enlarged, so the doors can be
adjusted for better fit. Adding hard paper or metal shims, or sanding away the cured
FLOX will also allow needed adjustment range. The hinge recesses at the top of the
fuselage can be filled with dry MICRO and smoothed for appearance and aerodynamics,
once the door is positioned satisfactorily and checked for smooth operation (door removal
can be done on the hinge side of the port for any future maintenance).