Chapter 6 - Fuselage - Translations (includes
6.13 - Extras
Page 123
with the self tapping screws provided. A bit of FLOX “shims” under these brackets can
provide a more secure mounting.
FIGURE - Installation of strut air in the doors.
The rear windows are inserted in much the same way as for the windows in the
doors. The molded panels are oversize window, so some degree of cutting will be needed.
cut the fuselage opening to the final size, and hold the window molding up against the
interior, and mark the opening. Allow a minimum of 1/2 inch of title overlap in the cut
operation. As before, peel back cover the protector, and mask with tape to the opening
edge (two layers as before). Irritate the bonding area with coarse sandpaper (on both the
window and the fuselage) and apply the adhesive. A suggested method of fastening using
wooden blocks and drywall screws is shown in the figure below.
FIGURE - Fixing scheme for inserting rear windows
Drill holes very close to the edges of the window (about 8 or more places are
suggested, and add extra staples in any area where a gap occurs), and squeeze the wooden
blocks to squeeze out excess glue. Wipe and clean any excess / adhesive as soon as
possible to avoid problems later on.