Chapter 5 - Fuselage
5.12 - Vertical and horizontal stabilizers
Page 68
collage or painting will be carried out). Remove the halves of the tail, and cut these
carefully marked pieces to size using a saber saw or similar tool.
This cutout is slightly larger than the socket to allow leveling of the stabilizer from
side to side, and to determine the projected incidence value. Once cut, mark vertical lines
on the left rear fuselage descending from the leading edge of the cut and from the hinge
line of the vertical stabilizer (stations XXX and 203 ), which will be used to demarcate
the section cut line for positioning the horizontal stabilizer. The right rear fuselage and
the left part below the horizontal stabilizer will be glued.
Clean and prepare the joint surfaces for gluing, tape near the gluing area on the left
to prevent it from being glued in an improper place. Glue these pieces with a FLOX paste
appropriate. Secure in place using pre-drilled holes, with clecos or small screws to prevent
displacement during cure. The cut airfoil-shaped portion is the opening for the horizontal
stabilizer, and is not used in assembly and can be discarded. Cut the rear left part of the
fuselage on the vertical lines marked and remove the unglued part of the lower fuselage,
also remove the upper fuselage to facilitate the following steps.