Chapter 8 - Aileron
8.2 - Initial assembly of the lower half
Page 143
In each flat panel spar section measure from one corner two inches and mark with
a vertical line, find another line 4 inches besides this ( 6 inches of the lip). Place the
sections on a flat table and cut the liner in this section of 4 inches , also remove the core
from it
Mix a small amount of MICRO paste and glue the plywood into the opening made,
fill any gaps between each end. Close the top surface of the plywood with 2 layers of wet
BID with at least 1 inch overlap at the edges. Perform this operation on a piece of plastic
or waxed paper on a flat surface. Allow a cure. Remove any spare glass and proceed with
aileron assembly.
Initial assembly of the lower half
Prepare a flat surface for mounting the aileron and temporarily clamp the outer
surface of the bottom liner to the table surface. Locate the front face of the spar assembly
at 13 inches in front of the trailing edge. Experimentally put the ribs in place, the outer
ribs a 1 ¼” the corners of the casing to adjust the angle of the spar.
Very gently sand the back edges of the face of the spar assembly at the top and
bottom, so as to facilitate the adjustment of the facing angles established by the ribs.
Preparation for gluing
Note the areas where the gluing will take place and roughen them up with a coarse
sandpaper before this step.