Chapter 4 - Horizontal empennage
4.11 - Mass balance
Page 41
NOTE: Leave space for the elevator horny closing rib.
Position and adjust the counterweight closing rib. Make sure that, in the final
assembly, it remains parallel to the stabilizer rib and does not interfere with the movement
of the elevator. After satisfactory adjustment dig out the core and paste in place with a
MICRO paste.
Take the supplied styron foam block and sculpt the counterweight tip and its
respective fitting into the horizontal stabilizer (see figure below).
Glue in place with a MICRO paste and laminate with 2 layers over the finish. Dig
the edges of the elevator casing into the counterweight closing location and apply a
MICRO paste to the location. Laminate 1 layer of BID on the side of the counterweight
closing rib.
You are ready to balance the elevator mass. Drill a 1-inch diameter hole in the
exposed faces of the outer rib. Holes should be about 5” behind the leading edge of the
balance, but in front of the small bulkheads. The weight will be dumped through these