Chapter 5 - Fuselage
5.2 - Leveling and fixing
Page 46
For the proper leveling of the surface, use levels (it can be a transparent hose with
water inside). In this way, level the reference line on the same horizontal plane. If
necessary, use shims to fulfill the leveling.
Right now, straightness and lack of twist is more important than alignment this time,
however, always working with the parts aligned and level gives a better result.
shim rods
Shim rods should be used to provide proper width at the appropriate stations, since
molded parts have a tendency to close in handling or shipping. Fabricate these shims from
1x2 inch rectangular section wood which is a reasonably straight and reasonably lace-free
material. The list of suggested stations and dimensions of the outer width of the fuselage
these points are shown below. For convenience in this assembly the axial dimensions
given are measured from the waist around the contour instead of the true seasons . You
don’t need to make and install spacers in all of these locations, but try to use a
representative number to keep in shape. It is suggested that you mark the spacers and
reference locations. Remove any spacers that get in the way during the fabrication steps,
but try to keep enough installed to hold the shape. As the caves are being installed, you
can discard the spacers.
Below is a list of the appropriate distances and sizes of the outer width of the
fuselage at the respective points.