Chapter 8 - Aileron
8.1 - Preparation of the stringer assembly
Page 142
The processes for aileron assembly are similar to flap assembly. One of the primary
differences between these is the fact that the hinge will be placed on the top surface rather
than the bottom as in the case of flap mounting. Ailerons will be mounted DOWN UP.
Locate the aileron liners in the kit. There are the top and bottom claddings each of
which contains the right and left sides. The bottom cladding has a small radius on the
front edge. At this stage there is no difference between the left or right aileron coatings.
Clean these and all related parts, removing all peel ply and cleaning all spare parts
or other burrs. From finishes on cladding to trim only excess material.
Cut the six pieces from the laminated panel provided. These triangles are not
symmetrical so note the orientation in the template text and mark the top. Check against
the drawing below for correct sizing.
Preparation of spar assembly
Cut the two spar sections from ½” long and 3
“of width from the laminated
panel provided to carry out the mounting of the spar.
Cut two sections of plywood from 4 inches long by 3
in width which will be
used to provide a firm point for installing the horn later.