Chapter 6 - Fuselage - Translations (includes
Page 106
The area established behind the back seat to the baggage bulkhead just installed will
be the baggage area, and it is particularly desirable to avoid objects carried in this area
interfering with control components passing through this area. The main components of
concern in this area are the push-pull elevator tube assembly, and the associated horn at
the back of the seat, and the rudder cables, which should be exiting the rear seat at the
edges of the console assembly. Jamming any of these items with a carelessly tossed item
of clothing or luggage could be an important flight safety issue.
Fabricate an inverted U shaped tunnel for this area that is just a little wider than the
console, to clean the cables, and just a little longer than the horn shank at the front end
(height can be reduced as you go aft if you wish). Unless you have enough panel stock
remaining, select an appropriate section of locally sourced material, such as lightweight
wood or cardboard. Standard layout as shown to secure proper control links. Cut a pair of
grooves along the lines on the inside surface of the panel and fold it into a U shape. bond
the inside corners with wet micro and tape the inside and outside of the corners with a
single 2 inch wide BID strip at each location (see figure).
Make four L brackets of 3 ply pitches placed above as an angle strip (using an
aluminum angle or a wooden strip covered with plastic tape as a template will simplify
this procedure). Connect these to the ground in such a way that they will sit inside the
tunnel. Install the tunnel along the control components, fasten to these L’s with self-
tapping screws so that it can be easily removed for any necessary maintenance on these