Genie Distribution WNET Manual v3
© Tieline Research Pty. Ltd. 2020
about peer-to-peer calls 58
about SIP server calls 58
account registration 62
adding accounts 62
configure interfaces 60
deterministic SIP call routing 62
dialing SIP addresses 86
dialing using a SIP account 86
getting started 58
peer-to-peer connections 86
SIP1 and SIP2 interfaces 60
STUN configuration 60
troubleshooting registration 62
SIP - HTML5 Toolbox
answer multiple SIP calls 304
blacklists 287
configure accounts 284
configure SIP interfaces 283
configure SIP programs 288
deterministic SIP call answering 304
filter URIs 287
filter user agents 287
introduction 282
multiple SIP call config 296
register accounts 284
regular expressions 287
SIP filter lists 287
SIP filter lists panel 287
SIP1 and SIP2 interfaces 283
STUN configuration 283
troubleshoot new accounts 284
URI blacklist 287
user agent blacklist 287
user agents 287
whitelists 287
SIP ports 376
Site port setting 376
SmartStream 96
front panel config 384
SNMP - HTML5 Toolbox
configuring settings 323
downloading MIB files 323
setting descriptions 323
Software upgrades - HTML5 Toolbox 344
Specifications 413
Speed dial - HTML5 Toolbox
Speed dialing
SSL security features
install digital certificate 387
install intermediate certificate 387
install private key 387
Static IP addresses 346
4 x Mono program
configure SmartStream PLUS 229
HTML5 Toolbox configuration 229
Stereo Connection metering 32
Stream Monitor
monitor audio in browser 309
Studio Codec Installation
installation procedures 393
port forwarding 393
testing 393
troubleshooting 393
Sync input 15
- T -
TCP port settings 376
Test mode 386
Testing IP connections 402
Testing ISDN connections 404
Tieline Music 359
Tieline MusicPLUS 359
Tieline session port 376
disable 391
enable 391
enabling interfaces 391
Time and date
NTP settings 386
NTP sync 386
synchronise NTP 386
synchronize NTP 386
Time and date - HTML5 Toolbox
Time-to-live 380
ToolBox Web-GUI options
about HTML5 Quick Connect 102