Genie Distribution WNET Manual v3
© Tieline Research Pty. Ltd. 2020
10. Use the up
navigation button to scroll to the top of the menu and select
Apply Setting
then press the
button to confirm the new settings.
11. Check the
Unit Details
menu to ensure the new static IP address has been entered
Configuring a Static IP Address in Commander G3 and i-Mix G3 Codecs
To set up a static IP address in Commander G3 and i-Mix G3 codecs select
Menu >
Configuration > Advanced > LAN settings > IP Setup > Setup > Static > IP Address >
[enter IP address] > press OK > Subnet Mask [enter Subnet Mask] > press OK > Gateway
[enter Gateway] > press OK > reboot the codec
Record IP Address Details
IPv4 Static IP Address
IP Address
. . .
Subnet Mask
. . .
Default Gateway
. . .
IPv6 Mode: Manual
(Bridge-IT, Genie and Merlin codecs only)
IP Address
: : :
: : :
IPv6 Prefix Size
IPv6 Gateway
: : :
: : :
Getting Connected
Once the studio codec is configured you are now ready to receive an incoming call from the remote
codec over the internet. Always dial from the field codec to the studio codec over the internet unless
the remote codec is assigned a public static IP address and you know this address.
If you dial the studio using a cell-phone data network at the remote site you will not normally
experience any firewall or port blocking issues at the remote end of the link using default Tieline
Troubleshooting: How to Determine Where Firewall Port Blocking is
If you find you are unable to either send or receive audio between the studio and remote codecs you
can use Tieline's Link Quality reading to diagnose where ports are being blocked. LQ can be
displayed on the front
of Tieline's Bridge-IT, Merlin and Genie codecs by selecting
, then select the connection you want to view and press the
button. LQ readings are also
displayed on the home screen of all Commander and i-Mix G3 codecs.
Link Quality (LQ) Readings
Send and Return LQ numbers help you to determine if a problem is occurring at either end of a
connection. For example, on an IP connection the Return LQ reading represents the audio being