© Tieline Research Pty. Ltd. 2020
Genie Distribution WNET Manual v3
Configure 6 x Mono Peer-to-Peer Answering Programs
A Genie Distribution codec at the studio can accept six simultaneous bidirectional mono peer-to-
peer audio stream connections from different remote codecs. The following image displays the
default audio port settings used when creating a
6 x Mono Peer-to-Peer
answering program.
Remote codecs configured with corresponding audio port settings will route audio to specific
inputs/outputs of the codec as shown.
Both mono and stereo audio stream connections can be answered by the Genie Distribution codec
when using a
6 x Mono Peer-to-Peer
program. To do this load and lock a
6 x Mono Peer-to-
answering program in the codec at the studio. If a codec using a stereo program attempts to
connect then the studio codec will accept the call and mix the two incoming audio channels into a
single audio channel to allow a mono peer-to-peer connection.
Routing 6 Incoming Mono Audio Streams to Specific Codec Outputs
Important Notes:
Before you start program configuration please note:
You cannot edit a program when it is currently loaded in the codec.
or multistream program in a codec to ensure it
cannot be unloaded by a codec dialing in with a different type of program. For
example, if a multistream program is not locked it will be unloaded by a mono or
stereo call.
Some drop-down menus and settings may be greyed out intentionally depending on
features available and the transport selected (e.g. IP or ISDN).
It is possible to save a program at several points throughout the program wizard and
use default settings to save configuration time.
To learn more about programs see the section titled
6 audio streams must be configured.
Failover is not available with SIP and SmartStream PLUS redundant streaming is
not available with SIP or sessionless IP.