Genie Distribution WNET Manual v3
© Tieline Research Pty. Ltd. 2020
from it will result in poor audio quality and should be avoided. If it is removed
accidentally you must reboot the codec to ensure USB failover will work in future.
If you enter a single file name ensure you add the file extension, e.g. "test.mp3", or the
file will not play back.
If you enter a directory name, all the files within the directory will be played back. We
recommend you save all audio files as a playlist and link to this if you want them to
play out sequentially. Please note that "M3U" is the playlist file format supported by the
File playback will occur automatically if the silence threshold parameters are breached;
if the codec is not connected for any reason file playback will commence. To stop file
playback open the
Connections panel
in the HTML5 Web-GUI, click to select the file
playback connection, then click
5. After configuring
Output Audio Source
options you can:
to configure rules options.
ii. Click
Next Stream
to configure the next audio stream.
6. To configure new stream level rules click the drop-down arrow and select the preferred option
from those available. Click the blue
Plus symbol
to add a new rule and click the
to remove a rule.
Important Note for Rules:
Connection-related rules are not displayed in
Answer only
7. Click
to configure the second audio stream.
Configure the Second Peer-to-Peer Audio Stream
1. Enter a
Stream Name
, add a
Caller ID
and configure the codec to
Dial only
. Then click