The ROUTE Module
How to Collect ROUTE Measurements
Skip M/C
When the hierarchy pointer is on a Machine, or a Machine’s first POINT,
press the
Skip M/C
function button to skip that Machine’s POINTs and move to the next.
When you press
Skip M/C
, before skipping to the next machine, the Microlog displays
screen, allowing you to select a coded note to indicate the reason for skipping
the machine (i.e., Machine Not Operating).
A Note about the Auto Advance Setting
In the
uration screen, the
Auto Advance
setting determines how resulting
spectra display
during ROUTE data collection. Options are:
– Quickly and automatically
advance through ROUTE data collection
displaying each spectral measurement result for a designated
Dither Time
Manually advance through ROUTE data collection, displaying eac
spectral measurement result until the fire key is pressed to stop the
measurement and
is pressed to move to the next POINT in
Dither Time
– Time, in seconds, for which spectral results are to be displayed before
Auto Advance
to the next POINT in the hierarchy.
How to Begin Route Data Collection
To begin ROUTE data collection:
From the main screen, select the ROUTE mode option. The Route Mgr screen
displays a list of all ROUTEs stored on the Microlog
With the ROUTE list disp
layed, use the up/down arrows to highlight the name of the
ROUTE you wish to make active, then use the Enter or right arrow button to select
the highlighted ROUTE. A progress dialog appears as the Microlog loads the
ROUTE into memory, and the specified ROUTE’s hierarchy displays in the ROUTE
SKF Microlog - GX Series
3 - 7
User Manual