The Analyzer Module
How to Perform Multi
-Channel Measurements
Two Channel SCross-Channel Phase Displays
Figure 4 - 18.
A Two Channel SCross-Channel Phase Display Screen.
A cross-channel phase measurement displays the spectra for input channels 1 & 2, and
the relative phase angle between the two input channels. Note that the phas
difference between the two inputs is measured. This is known as
relative phase
Spectra for both input channels are stored, and the relative phase between the two
channels is displayed on the spectrum or as a table of magnitude/phase pairs of up to 8
orders of running speed. In a two channel
the initial two traces display the FFT and phase
of input CH1 relative to input CH2
menu options are:
FFT for CH1, 2
Power Cepstrum for CH1, 2
Power Spectrum for CH1, 2
FFT for CH1
FFT for CH2
FFT+Power Cepstrum for CH1
FFT+Power Spectrum for CH1
FFT+Power Cepstrum for CH2
FFT+Power Spectrum for CH2
SKF Microlog - GX Series
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User Manual