How to Set Up Your GX Series Microlog
Sensor Setup
Hist. Data Collect
Always Append
Always Overwrite
, or
Always Ask
. When new
data is collected for a POINT that already has a stored measurement, you have the
option to append or overwrite the older data with the new data.
Always Append
New data that is collected is appended to the existing data,
allowing you to collect multiple measurements for the same POINT. Previous
measurements become part of a historical data file that can be reviewed and
uploaded to @ptitude Analyst.
Always Overwrite
New data that is collected overwrites the existing data,
ensuring that only the most recent measurement is retained.
Always Ask
Each time a measurement is taken for a POINT that has
historical data, a prompt appears asking whether you wish to append or
overwrite the current measurement.
If historical data is already stored for the POINT, overwriting only
overwrites the most recent measurement.
After specifying changes to
Instrument Configuration
screen settings, press the
function button to store your new settings in the Microlog and return to the
Route Mgr
Sensor Setup
Sensor Setup
module provides a master list of preconfigured sensors. The default
sensor list is configured at the SKF factory and contains SKF sensors used for most
machinery monitoring needs. These default sensor configurations can not be edited or
deleted from the list. However, y
ou may add sensors to the sensor list as required.
hen a module or application requires a specific sensor, instead of having to define the
sensor’s parameters during the measurement setup, you simply select the appropriate
preconfigured sensor from the measurement’s context sensitive sensor list (i.e., only
sensors relevant to the measurement type display during measurement setup). This
significantly reduces measurement setup time.
To access the Sensor Setup screen:
From the main screen, use the left, right, up, and/or down arrows to select the
Sensor Setup
Press an Enter button. The
Sensor Setup
screen displays.
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SKF Microlog - GX Series
User Manual