Machinery Balancing Module
How to Perform a S
ingle-Plane Procedure
Figure 5 - 4.
An Example
Balancing Summary
Screen Showing Multiple Runs.
initial run magnitude and phase
trial weight and angle
trial run magnitude and phase
correction weight and angle
You can use the up / down arrow keys to highlight a balancing run
item and press the
function button to resume the balancing
job at that point.
Balancing Summary
screen initially appears empty, with only the Initial Run (
item highlighted (as no balancing runs have yet been performed)
. However, as you
proceed with each part of the balancing job (i.e., each balancing run), each run’s
information will be logged in tabular format on the
Balancing Summary
may then use the
Balancing Summary
screen to move backward or forward in the
balancing job as required, and to save and resume the balancing job, if desired.
To proceed with the balancing job, with the
run highlighted, press the
function button to go to the initial run data screen - or press an Enter / Fire button
(as prompted in the prompt area). The Initial Run screen displays.
At first, there is no data on the Initial Run screen. Take this opportunity to make
sure your sensors and tachometer device are set up correctly. To capture initial
run data, press the screen’s
function button (or an Enter / Fire button). The
Microlog initiates the reference run measurements for RPM, magnitude, and phase.
The Initial Run screen displays the measurement results.
SKF Microlog - GX Series
5 - 9
User Manual