11.2 List of faults and alarms
Operating Instructions, 04/2019, A5E36037884-007
A7441: LR: Save the position
offset of the absolute encoder
The status of the absolute encoder ad-
justment has changed.
In order to permanently save the deter-
mined position offset (p2525) it must be
Not necessary.
This alarm automatically disappears after the
offset has been saved.
See also: p2525 (LR encoder adjustment
A7454: LR: Position value
preprocessing does not have
a valid encoder
The parameter configuration of encoder is
Default the drive and re-configure the param-
A7455: EPOS: Maximum
velocity limited
The maximum velocity (p2571) is too high
to correctly calculate the modulo correc-
Within the sampling time for positioning,
with the maximum velocity, a maximum of
the half modulo length must be moved
through. p2571 was limited to this value.
Reduce the maximum velocity (p2571).
A7456: EPOS: Setpoint ve-
locity limited
The actual setpoint velocity is greater than
the parameterized maximum velocity and
is therefore limited.
Decrease the actual setpoint velocity.
A7461: EPOS: Reference
point not set
When starting a traversing block/direct
setpoint input, a reference point is not set.
Reference the system (search for reference,
flying referencing, set reference point).
A7469: EPOS: Traversing
block < target position < soft-
ware limit switch minus
In the traversing block the specified abso-
lute target position lies outside the range
limited by the software limit switch minus.
Correct the traversing block.
Change software limit switch minus
A7470: EPOS: Traversing
block > target position > soft-
ware limit switch plus
In the traversing block the specified abso-
lute target position lies outside the range
limited by the software limit switch plus.
Correct the traversing block.
Change software limit switch plus (p2581).
A7471: EPOS: Traversing
block target position outside
the modulo range
In the traversing block the target position
lies outside the modulo range.
In the traversing block, correct the target
Change the modulo range (p29246).
A7472: EPOS: Traversing
not possible
In the traversing block the positioning
mode ABS_POS or ABS_NEG were pa-
rameterized with the modulo correction not
Correct the traversing block.
A7473: EPOS: Beginning of
traversing range reached
When traversing, the axis has moved to
the traversing range limit.
Move away in the positive direction.
A7474: EPOS: End of trav-
ersing range reached
When traversing, the axis has moved to
the traversing range limit.
Move away in the negative direction.
A7477: EPOS: Target posi-
tion < software limit switch
In the actual traversing operation, the
target position is less than the software
limit switch minus.
Correct the target position.
Change software limit switch minus (CI:
A7478: EPOS: Target posi-
tion > software limit switch
In the actual traversing operation, the
target position is greater than the software
limit switch plus.
Correct the target position.
Change software limit switch plus (CI:
A7479: EPOS: Software limit
switch minus reached
The axis is at the position of the software
limit switch minus. An active traversing
block was interrupted.
Correct the target position.
Change software limit switch minus (CI: