Close the High-speed DC Circuit Breaker and start the test by pressing the ‘Start’ button.
Time-out measurement 600 ms
Time-out commutation NO/NC 100 ms
Measurement results.
The test results will be displayed in the following dialog:
The graph key opens a ‘P26_Graph’ dialog with the result of the performed measurement illustrated in a graph.
The green line shows the NO auxiliary switch status and the black line shows the NC auxiliary switch status.
The blue continuous line is the current increase slope as determined by the system while the red line is the actual
current as measured. The point where the red line doesn’t follow the blue line anymore is when the breaker opens.
The switching NO/NC has to occur in this zone.
The indicated values Trip Current /Trip time in the ‘P26_Graph’ dialog are not really relevant as they depend on the I
of the breaker and the slope generated by the BALTO.
The values are only displayed when the functioning of the contacts NO/NC is correct.