Multitron - Operating Manual
20 August 2020
Loading the box for microtitre plates
To improve transfer of oxygen to the cultures and facilitate the re-
moval of the plates, spacers (Quickload spacers) (1) can be placed be-
tween the individual layers. Prior to loading, the Quickload spacers
must be removed. Following that, microtitre or deep well plates can
be inserted.
For cultivations with low oxygen requirements, Quickload spacers do
not have to be used.
Inserting/replacing a filter
To insert or replace a sterile filter (3), the filter washer (2) must be re-
moved first. To do so, press the locking button (1) on the filter
washer and lift up the filter washer. Following that, the filter can be
inserted and the filter washer can be put back in its place.
Sterilising the box for microtitre plates
The box for microtitre plates can be autoclaved (recommendation: 20
min at 120 °C). To do so, remove the Quickload spacers first and dis-
infect them using commercial disinfectant.
Rotation speed limits
When there are high agitation speeds or insufficient grip due to hu-
midity or dirt, the box for microtitre plates can separate from the
Sticky Stuff during agitation and cause damage to the incubation
chamber. The maximum permissible agitation speed is therefore lim-
ited as follows:
25 mm throw
50 mm throw
On universal table tray
350 min
250 min
On Sticky Stuff
150 min
150 min
When working with maximum rotation speeds, it is strongly rec-
ommended to use a special tray with permanently mounted boxes.
Details on request.