GSM-20H10 User Manual
UP Select next higher
measurement range
DOWN Select next lower
measurement range
:RANGe? Query measurement range.
:RANGe? DEFault Query *RST default range.
:RANGe? MINimum Query lowest range (returns 0).
:RANGe? MAXimum Query highest range.
Command [:SENSe[1]]:VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe[:UPPer]
This Command is used to manually select the
measurement range for the specified measurement
function. The range is selected by specifying the
expected reading. The instrument will then go to the
most sensitive reading that will accommodate that
reading. For example, if you expect a reading of
approximately 50mV, then simply let <n>= 0.05 (or
50e-3) in order to select the 200mV range. You can
also use the UP and DOWN parameters to select
range. Each time UP or DOWN is sent, the next
higher or lower measurement range is selected. When
on the maximum range, sending UP is a No-Op (no
operation). When on the lowest range, sending
DOWN is a NO-Op. Measurement ranges can instead
be automatically selected by the instrument.