the device package passed, the pass bit pattern will be
output. The testing process will stop and the DUT will
be binned. As a consequence, the other elements in the
device package are not tested.
<name> = IMMediate Update output when first
failure occurs
END Update output after
sweep is completed
:CALCulate2:CLIMits:BCONtrol IMMediate
Command :CALCulate2:CLIMits:BCONtrol?
Query when digital output will update.
Command :CALCulate2:CLIMits:MODE <name>
This Command controls how limit calculations drive
the Digital I/O lines. In GRADing mode, a reading
passes if it is within all of the hi/low limit tolerances
enabled, assuming that it has passed the LIMIT 1
compliance tests first. The Digital I/O lines will be
driven with the first pattern of the compliance, hi, or
low failure. Otherwise, the
CALC2:CLIM:PASS:SOUR2 pattern will be output.
In SORTing mode, a reading will fail if it fails the
compliance test, or is not within any of the Digital I/O
Bands. If the tests pass and only LIMIT 1 is enabled,
CALC2:CLIM:PASS:SOUR2 pattern will be output.
Otherwise, the first limit test band that passes will
output its LOW:SOUR2 pattern (UPP:SOUR2 patterns
will be ignored).
If LIMIT1 fails, their SOUR2 patterns will be output. If
no LIMIT2, 3, 5-12 limit passes, the