GSM-20H10 User Manual
<n> = -1.05 to 1.05 Set I-Source level (amps)
DEFault 0A
MINimum -1.05A
MAXimum +1.05A
:SOURce:CURRent:CENTer 0.1
:CENTer? Query center point for
sweep of I-Source
:CENTer? DEFault Query *RST default level of
:CENTer? MINimum Query lowest allowable
level of I-Source
:CENTER? MAXimum Query highest allowable
level of I-Source
Command :SOURce[1]:VOLTage:CENTer <n>
A sweep can be configured by specifying center and
span parameters.
By specifying a center point, you can sweep through
the operating point of a device. The span determines
the sweep width with the operating point at the
center of the sweep.
For example, assume you are testing a device that
operates at 10V, and you want to sweep from 8 to 12
volts. To do this, you would specify the center to be
10V and the span to be 4 volts (12v – 8v).
Use the :STEP or :POINts Command to specify the
number of sourcemeasure points in the sweep.