the GSM goes back into idle.
The readings that are acquired depend on which
data elements are selected, and what the instrument
is presently programmed to source-measure.
Measure readings take priority over source readings,
and functions not sourced or measured are assigned
the NAN (not a number) value of +9.91e37.
For example, assume that voltage, current and
resistor readings are selected as data elements, and
the instrument is programmed to Source V and
Measure I. A reading string acquired by :FETch? will
include the programmed V-Source value and the I-
Measure reading. The reading for resistor will be
NAN since resistor was not measured.
The :FETCh? Command is automatically asserted
when the :READ? or:MEASure? Command is sent.
This Command is used to trigger and acquire
readings. The number of readings depends on how
the trigger model is configured. For example, if
configured for 20 source-measure operations (arm
count 1, trigger count 20), then 20 sets of readings
will be acquired after the GSM returns to the idle
When this Command is sent, the following
Commands execute in the order that they are
• :INITiate
• :FETCh?
The :INITiate Command starts operation by taking
the instrument out of idle.
After all source-measure operations are completed,
the GSM goes back into idle at which time
the :FETCh? Command is executed.