Screen Layout and Navigation
RGS-2000NG TCAS Test Set Operation Manual
139187 / Rev. 500
Page 64
Subject to Export Control. See Cover Page for details.
September 2021
DO-260 Mode Menu
Selects the DO-260 Mode.
Mode S Address Field
Defines the Mode S Address (Hexadecimal).
Enables/disables transmitting the required messages for this intruder.
Enables/disables the Reply.
Altitude Report
Enables/disables the Altitude Report.
If enabled, the altitude code is present in the DF0 reply.
If disabled, the altitude code is set to 0.
Enables/disables the Squitter.
Enables/disables setting the intruder on the ground.
Crosslink Capability
Enables/disables the Crosslink Capability
Hybrid Deviation
Enables/disables the Hybrid Deviation.
If enabled, allows entry of range, bearing and altitude deviation values.
Altitude Code Mode Toggle
Selects the Altitude Code Mode.
Probability Pattern
Defines the Squitter Probability Pattern.
Defines the Reply Probability Pattern.
Vertical Speed Menu
Selects the Vertical Speed.
Mode A Code Fields
Defines the Mode A Code.
Identification Field
Defines the Intruder Identification.
Type Field
Defines the Intruder Identification Type.
Velocity Type Menu
Selects the Velocity Type.
CA Field
Defines the Transponder Capability.
FS Field
Defines the Flight Status.
DR Field
Defines the Downlink Request.
UM Field
Defines the Utility Message.
SL Menu
Selects the Sensitivity Level.
RI (AQ = 0) Menu
Selects the Runway Incursion (Acquisition = 0).
RI (AQ = 1) Menu
Selects the Runway Incursion (Acquisition = 1).
RI (DF = 16) Menu
Selects the Runway Incursion (Direction Finding = 16).
Mode S Squitters Softkey
Accesses the Mode S Squitter Definition Screen. Refer to Sectio n, TCAS Static Mode S Extended Mode S Squitter Screen
Coordinations Softkey
Accesses the Coordinations Screen. Refer to Section
Mode S Extended Coordinations Screen
Screen Components