2470 High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument Reference Manual
Section 12: SCPI command reference
2470-901-01 Rev. A /
The branch-on-constant-limits block goes to a branching block if a measurement meets the criteria
set by this command.
The type of limit can be:
Above: The measurement is above the value set by limit B; limit A must be set, but is ignored
when this type is selected
Below: The measurement is below the value set by limit A; limit B must be set, but is ignored
when this type is selected
Inside: The measurement is inside the values set by limits A and B; limit A must be the low value
and Limit B must be the high value
Outside: The measurement is outside the values set by limits A and B; limit A must be the low
value and Limit B must be the high value
The measurement block must be a measure building block that occurs in the trigger model before the
branch-on-constant-limits block. The last measurement from a measure building block is used.
If the limit A is more than the limit B, the values are automatically swapped so that the lesser value is
used as the lower limit.
TRIGger:BLOCk:BRANch:LIMit:CONStant 5, OUTside, 0.15, 0.65, 8
Configure trigger block 5 to check for measurements in the last measure block. If the measurements are
outside of the 0.15 and 0.65 limits, branch to block 8.
Also see
(on page 8-39)