In this section:
I see a command that is not in the manual. What is it? .......... 15-1
How do I display the instrument's serial number? .................. 15-2
What VISA resource name is required? ................................. 15-2
Can I use Keysight GPIB cards with Keithley drivers? ........... 15-2
How do I check the USB driver for the device? ...................... 15-3
Which Microsoft Windows operating systems are supported? 15-4
What to do if the GPIB controller is not recognized? .............. 15-5
I'm receiving GPIB timeout errors. What should I do? ............ 15-5
How do I change the command set? ...................................... 15-5
How do I upgrade the firmware? ............................................ 15-6
Where can I find updated drivers? ......................................... 15-7
Why can't the 2470 read my USB flash drive? ....................... 15-8
How do I download measurements onto the USB flash drive?15-8
How do I save the present state of the instrument? ............... 15-9
Why did my settings change? .............................................. 15-10
What is NPLC? ..................................................................... 15-10
What are the Quick Setup options? ...................................... 15-11
What is the output-off state? ................................................ 15-11
Why is OVP displayed? ........................................................ 15-13
How do I store readings into the buffer? .............................. 15-14
What should I do if I get an 5074 interlock error? ................. 15-15
How do I trigger a sweep? ................................................... 15-15
What are source limits? ........................................................ 15-15
What is offset compensation? .............................................. 15-16
What is a configuration list? ................................................. 15-16
What does –113 "Undefined header" error mean? ............... 15-17
Why do I see the "incompatible settings" message? ............ 15-17
What does –410 "Query interrupted" error mean? ............... 15-17
What does –420 "Query unterminated" error mean? ........... 15-18
How do I use the digital I/O port? ......................................... 15-18
How do I trigger other instruments? ..................................... 15-18
I see a command that is not in the manual. What is it?
You may see commands that are internal to the instrument if you:
Have the event log set to record commands
Capture commands with the create setup feature
Store settings in a configuration list
If a command is not described in the Command Reference section, do not use it.
Section 15
Frequently asked questions