Section 8: Triggering
2470 High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument Reference Manual
2470-901-01 Rev. A /
Always block
When the trigger model reaches a branch-always block, it goes to the block that you specified.
When you select the always block, the following option is available.
Branch to Block
The block number to execute when the trigger model reaches the
always block.
Once block
When the trigger model reaches a branch-once block, it goes to a specified block the first time it is
encountered in the trigger model. If it is encountered again, the trigger model ignores the block and
continues in the normal sequence.
You can use this block to create a bypass. For example, you might place a branch-once block before
a wait block to skip the wait block on the first pass of the trigger model.
The once block is reset when the trigger model reaches the idle state. Therefore, the branch-once
block will always execute the first time the trigger model encounters this block.
When you select the Once block, the following option is available.
Branch to Block
The block number to execute the first time the trigger model
reaches the Once block.
Once excluded block
The branch-once-excluded block is ignored the first time the trigger model encounters it. After the first
encounter, the trigger model goes to the specified branching block.
The branch-once-excluded block is reset when the trigger model starts or is placed in idle.
When you select the once excluded block, the following option is available.
Branch to Block
The block number to execute after the first time the trigger model
reaches the once excluded block.