Section 8: Triggering
2470 High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument Reference Manual
2470-901-01 Rev. A /
The first time the trigger model encounters this block, the last index in the configuration list is recalled
if the list has not already had an index recalled by the recall block command in an earlier trigger
model block. If the configuration list has recalled an index with the recall block, the previous index in
the list is called instead of the last. For example, the recall block recalls index 1 by default, so if the
trigger model uses a recall block before this one, the first time the previous block is reached after that
recall, the last index is recalled. However, if the recall block recalled index 3, the previous block would
recall index 2. Each subsequent time trigger model execution reaches a configuration list previous
block for this configuration list, it goes backward one index. When the first index in the list is reached,
it goes to the last index in the configuration list.
The configuration lists must be defined before you can use this block.
When you select the config list prev block, the following option is available.
Config List
The name of the configuration list from which to recall the previous
Config List 2
The name of the second configuration list to recall the index from;
must be the opposite type of list than the first; for example, if the
first configuration list is a measure list, the second configuration list
must be a source list.
Digital input/output block
The digital I/O block defines a trigger model block that sets the lines on the digital I/O port high or low.
To set the lines on the digital I/O port high or low, you can send an output line bit pattern. The pattern
can be specified as an integer value, or, if you are using the TSP command set, a six-bit binary or
hexadecimal. The least significant bit maps to digital I/O line 1 and the most significant bit maps to
digital I/O line 6.
The bit mask defines the bits in the pattern that are driven high or low. A binary 1 in the bit mask
indicates that the corresponding I/O line should be driven according to the bit pattern. To drive all
lines, specify all ones (63). If the bit for a line in the bit pattern is set to 1, the line is driven high. If the
bit is set to 0 in the bit pattern, the line is driven low.
For this block to work as expected, make sure you configure the trigger type and line state of the
digital line for use with the trigger model (use the digital line mode command). The digital line settings
are only available through remote commands.
When you select the digital I/O block, the following options are available.
Out Line Mask
Sets the output line bit mask (0 to 63).
Out Line Pattern
Sets the value that specifies the output line bit pattern (0 to 63).