2470 High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument Reference Manual
Section 12: SCPI command reference
2470-901-01 Rev. A /
This block allows you to log an event in the event log when trigger model execution reaches this block.
You can also force the trigger model to abort with this block. When the trigger model executes the
block, the defined event is logged. If the abort option is selected, the trigger model is also aborted
You can define the type of event (information, warning, abort model, or error). All events generated by
this block are logged in the event log. Warning and error events are also displayed in a popup on the
front-panel display.
Note that using this block too often in a trigger model could overflow the event log. It may also take
away from the time needed to process more critical trigger model blocks.
TRIGger:BLOCk:LOG:EVENt 9, INFO2, "Trigger model complete"
Set trigger model block 9 to log an event when the trigger model completes.
Also see
This command defines a trigger block that makes a measurement.
Affected by
Where saved
Default value
Command only
Recall settings
Instrument reset
Power cycle
Save settings
Not applicable
:TRIGger:BLOCk:MEASure <blockNumber>
:TRIGger:BLOCk:MEASure <blockNumber>, "<bufferName>"
:TRIGger:BLOCk:MEASure <blockNumber>, "<bufferName>", <count>
The sequence of the block in the trigger model
The name of the buffer, which must be an existing buffer; if no buffer is defined,
is used
Specifies the number of readings to make before moving to the next block in the
trigger model; set to a specific value or to infinite by setting to
; to stop the count,
set to
; if not specified, defaults to 1